Terms and conditions

General Terms and Conditions 402 Sports Exhibitions Organizing

• 402: 402middle-east.com
• Customer: the person purchasing one or more tickets from 402.
• Entrance Fees: price of tickets excluding bank charges. 402 does not apply reservation fees unless otherwise stated.
• Event: the public occurrence in the field of cars and motorcycles.
• Venue: the place where the event is held.
• Organizer: the party committing to, and responsible for, the organization of the event.
• Agreement: the relevant agreement between the organizer and the customer for the provision of services related to an event against payment.
• Ticket: the admission ticket to an event.

These general terms and conditions apply to all services related to all events organized by 402 Sports Exhibitions Organizing.
1. When purchasing an entrance ticket, 402 charges additional costs in addition to the entrance fees for the event. These costs are stated in the payment screen.
2. Payment of the entrance fees and other costs shall be made to 402 via administrative processing with a ticket provider.
3. Payment can be made in various ways, such as Apple Pay, Visa, Mastercard, etc.
4. Once payment is received, the agreement is final and cannot be cancelled unless otherwise
5. Tickets will be sent by email immediately upon receipt of payment. It may take some time for
the ticket to arrive in the mailbox.
6. 402 is not liable for tickets purchased through unofficial sales channels.
7. In case of event cancellation, the customer will be refunded the paid entrance fees, minus
bank charges and excluding force majeure cancellation. Force majeure includes, but is not limited to: war, war danger and riot, terrorist threat, obstructive measures by domestic and foreign governments, death of one or more members of the Royal Family, fire, strikes, equipment and equipment control system failures and damages, disruption/cessation of transport, pandemic, epidemic, or epidemic-like conditions, flooding and extreme weather conditions, sabotage, and in general all unforeseen circumstances both domestically and internationally, as a result of which compliance with the agreement can no longer reasonably be expected from 402.
8. In case of event relocation, purchased tickets will remain valid for the new event date.
9. 402 accepts no liability for the purchase and delivery of Tickets not taking place in the event's
ticket shop, organized by 402, nor for agreements that, whether or not at the request of the customer, are not fully settled by 402 and where a third party - for example, the ticket office at a venue - is or is not directly involved. 402 may refuse entry to persons who obtained their ticket in this manner.
10. The agreement and these general terms and conditions are exclusively governed by the laws of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), to the exclusion of rules of private international law regarding the applicable law. Disputes arising from the agreement and/or the general terms and conditions shall initially be brought before the competent court in Dubai, UAE, without prejudice to the possibility of appeal or cassation.

Complaints Procedure
402 Automotive aims for high quality and good service. Nevertheless, it may happen that you are not satisfied with an event of 402 Sports Exhibitions Organizing and/or its employees. If you are dissatisfied with a particular course of action or believe that mistakes have been made, we would like to hear from you by contacting us.

Submitting a Complaint
To resolve your complaint correctly and promptly, please provide us, if possible, with the following information:
• your name, address, and telephone details;
• a clear description of your complaint;
• date, location, and event where the complaint occurred;
• optionally, the time at which the complaint arose;
• if applicable, the name of the employee you are complaining about.

Once we have this information, we will proceed with your complaint and keep you informed of the progress of the resolution.

Complaint Deadline
Do you have a complaint about our services? Then we kindly request you to submit a complaint within a maximum of 7 days after the event took place. Within this period, both parties still have the details and experience fresh in memory.
After this period, 402 reserves the right not to process the complaint.

Handling of Your Complaint or Request
Upon receipt, we will register your complaint in our complaint registration system. You will receive a written acknowledgment of receipt within 2 weeks, in which we will specify:
• how and when 402 Sports Exhibitions Organizing will investigate your complaint;
• within what period you can expect a substantive response.

402 Automotive will endeavor to handle your complaint as carefully as possible and to alleviate your dissatisfaction. We strive to restore trust in 402 Sports Exhibitions Organizing and our employees.

Contact Information 402 Sports Exhibitions Organizing Dubai Industrial City
Telephone: +971 (52) 240 1496
Email: [email protected]
VAT 104081423600003
CMD402 Sports Exhibitions and Organizing
License: 1159664
IBAN: AE54030000019101226767


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